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Nightlife in UC
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You have to read between the lines: "We dwell in UC. Nightlife is UC".  Agreeably, the lives we have as law students in UC, are dyed-in-the-wool to seeing the building nightly, to marvelling its rooms and probably exploring the grace of the second and third floors, and above all, to transforming ourselves into the beings we very much desire to be.


So what's worthy of musing over a building - apart from the seeing, marvelling and exploring - with massive glass windows and stylish exteriors all over? What's good of reminiscing a more than 4-level structure having a room 206 where, almost too often, headaches and unthinkable (so I think) struggles creating horrid panic crop up?  As a matter of fact, there are a million and one reasons to do so.


Allow me to highlight a few.

1. The drop-your-9-peso coffee machine. I believe, the only one existing in the building located at the second floor.  It serves cappuccino, café latte, and any other Nescafe combination you can somehow delight in.  The not-so-intelligent machine doesn't accept all sorts of paper bills except if they are finely ironed. Get it?  It's the place of hellos, do-you-haves, little chitchats and where most sleepy heads normally convene during break time. 

. Buy me a doughnut. Mister Doughnut is just few steps down the hall.  It offers a variety of coloured twist from brown to pink to white creams.   Being near the building entrance, it is strategically placed so as to cater a 10-minute break between classes.    More so, it is a good place for quick note-scanning, book browsing and short meetings.


3. The relief room.  Better known as the CR.  It creates an atmosphere like that of Colon when the bell rings at 7, 8 and 9 in the evening.  As a place of queue, it is where youd never miss to have a glimpse of Ms.G, the lady in sweet smiles most guys drool for.       


4. Visit the department.  For grade clarification, teacher appointment, or to simply bellyache just about anything, this is the exact place to be.  Maam Chona, with her friendliness, has a room for every diminutive moan you have however bizarre sometimes it may be. 


5. Sign in before entering.  The working student stops you as you enter the library especially if he/she senses you look like Bin Laden.  Kidding aside, the library houses most of our assigned cases.  For the scholarly students, this is the place next to home.  You can be here hours before the evening classes start to read assigned chapters, mingle with friends, check the dailies and/or to just make yourself a little comfy in an air-conditioned room.


6. My name is Gay. She has been making our photocopies ad infinitum.  With the Xerox machine as her armour, she has survived all the paper jams and photocopying requests.  Though normally tired and sweating, she has never failed to exchange a smile.


7. Hang-out till 10. For the hardworking and cannot-put-the-work-until-tomorrow Law fellows, the building offers the best place to get assignments done or to laugh with peers till closing time.


8. The CR entrance. Or more appropriately termed as the 'smoking' entrance.  Is there a need to elaborate? 

9. Do not sit on the ledge. Atty. Estenzo cautions everyone the danger of being a hard-headed.  Yet, ledge-sitting is just one act too tempting to do.  For one, the breeze is so enticingly cool.  Also, the place is useful in many ways than one, such as for waiting area, discussing exam results, and sharing crazy yet fulfilling stories only law students know.    

Blank. As anyone reads between the lines, he/she reads between our nightly lives. So we reserve this last one to anyone to discover anything that makes life in UC a life precious of coming back nightly.

Akin to the famous line, "I came, I saw, I conquered", this batch proudly voices out - "we saw and would continue seeing, we marvelled and would go on marvelling, we explored and surely would not stop exploring!"
